(for Mariah.)

Soil leads to soil;    
a blossom leads to petals falling;
eating leads to digestion
and to poisons, bodies spent.

Uptown, a utopian farm
has taken root in an empty lot:
residents fend off rats
to make of pavement, food-

Eve was never so delighted
in the Garden; boredom set in
and she took to counting
sheep. Adam preferred goats

and clucked to the chickens
with a playful abandon
that put the Jewish God
to shame. He, She or It

told them both to get jobs
and move to the city
where investors from other
universes were creating

an alternate reality,
something just as dear
to all Creation but with
many more words

and far fewer plants.
Pavement leads to pavement
but also to the homes
of all the Muses,

whether with
pitchfork or without.

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